Welcome to Baptist Collegiate Ministries!

Baptist Collegiate Ministries is a Christian student org at University of Maryland, College Park. We meet weekly for Large Group Worship and Small Group Bible Studies. Throughout the semester we also host fun events, retreats, service projects, and retreats! All are welcome!! You don't need to be Baptist, or even a Christian to come and hang out with us :)

We're on break for the summer, but we'll have a full schedule with days and times out in late-August after YOU get a chance to send us your schedule! We want to make sure something fits :) To join our email list and make sure you are in the loop, email Jess, the BCM Director, at umdbcm@gmail.com

CONNECTION (large group)

Thursdays at Memorial Chapel

Every Thursday evening during the semester we meet in the Garden Chapel for worship which includes music, prayer, teaching, and discussion!! 

BIBLE STUDIES (small groups)

We will have a few weekly small groups fall semester that meet on different days and times to study the bible and pray together. Most groups will meet in Stamp Student Union. 


Come join us and our church partner, Aletheia College Park, to spend some time praying for each other and our campus!

For more info or to be added to our email list, contact Jess, the BCM Director, at umdbcm@gmail.com


Weekly Worship is at Memorial Chapel in the Garden Chapel on the parking lot side, and Weekly Bible Studies are in the Stamp Student Union.